Cylinder head gasket 4932210 / 4929656 for engine Cummins QSB6.7
Price not available
Condition: New
Type: Genuine
Ref. No.: 4932210 / 4929656
Nr. mag.: 38156
Cylinder head gasket is New, Genuine part part with reference p/n: 4932210, for diesel engine Cummins QSB6.7. In the category to which this product belongs, you can find various gaskets as well as complete sets. Depending on the application, the Cummins QSB6.7 combustion engines have numerous accessories modifications. The wide range of engines allows customers around the world to select the ideal Cummins engine according to their specific needs.
Bomag CR652RX, Dynapac CA262PD, Dynapac CC7200, Dynapac SD2500C, Grove RT880E, Hyster H400HD, Hyundai HL740-7A, Hyundai HL940, Hyundai R290LC-9, Miller 4215, Tadano 15010, Tadano GR800XL, Terex RT780, Tigercat 726E
*This models are just for reference please compare your part by p/n and photos.
QSB 6.7, QSB 6.7 C-170, QSB 6.7 C240, QSB 6.7 IIIA, QSB 6.7 L, QSB 6.7 Liter, QSB 6.7 T3, QSB 6.7 tier 3, QSB 6.7, Tier III certified electronic control, QSB 6.7, Tier III certified electronic controlled, QSB 6.7-173, QSB 6.7-225, QSB 6.7-C173, QSB 6.7-C190, QSB 6.7-C205, QSB 6.7-C2220, QSB 6.7L, QSB 6.7L diesel, QSB-6.7, Tier III certified Electronic control, QSB6.7, QSB6.7 T3, QSB6.7 Tier III, QSB6.7 [Tier 4], QSB6.7-155, QSB6.7-C173, QSB6.7-C190, QSB6.7-C193, QSB6.7-C220, QSB6.7-C260, QSB6.7C-190
*This models are just for reference please compare your part by p/n and photos.