Piston rings 3802429 for engine Cummins 6CT8.3
Price not available
Condition: New
Type: Aftermarket
Ref. No.: 3802429
Nr. mag.: 35150
Piston rings is New, Aftermarket part part with reference p/n: 3802429, for diesel engine Cummins 6CT8.3. In the category of connecting rods and pistons there are also connecting rods and piston rings. Cummins 8.3 combustion engines have a displacement of 8.3 liters. No other engine powers more buses in more cities and countries around the world than Cummins.
Champion 720A, Champion 730AIII, Fiat D180, Fiat FG85A, Fiat G200, Fiat-Hitachi FG105A, Halla HA290, JCB 446ZX, JCB 456HT Super High Lift, Komatsu WA320-3, New Holland LW170TC, New hollad F200, Samsung SE280LC-2, YTO LSD218H
*This models are just for reference please compare your part by p/n and photos.
6 CT8.3, 6CT 8.3, 6CT 8.3C, 6CT8.3, 6CT8.3-C, 6CT8.33-C, 6CT8.3C, 6CT8.3G, 6CT8.3L
*This models are just for reference please compare your part by p/n and photos.